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The incidence rate and economic burden of community-acquired pneumonia in a working-age population

1 September 2013

Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is frequently associated with the very young and the elderly but is a largely under-recognized burden among working-age adults. Although the burden of CAP among the elderly has been established, there are limited data on the economic burden of CAP in the employed population.

This study assesses the economic impact of CAP in the United States in working-age adults from an employer perspective by estimating the incidence rate and costs of healthcare, sick time, and short-term disability for this patient population and recommends prevention strategies that may reduce the morbidity and costs associated with CAP among working-age adults, especially those with comorbidities. 

This research was first published in American Health & Drug Benefits, Vol 6, No 8  (September/October 2013) available at

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