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Because the world is underinsured.

Staying ahead of 100-year storms. Expanding coverage to vulnerable populations. Deciphering daunting new reporting requirements. Unlocking the promise of disruptive technologies while guarding against their risks.

These are just a few of the challenges on the desks of our insurance experts.

The insurance industry of tomorrow will look nothing like today.

Innovation is the future of the insurance industry. From expanding access and reach to creating entirely new categories of products, we are at the forefront of the trends that will define tomorrow’s industry, while protecting the lives and property of people today.


Protecting assets in an unpredictable climate

New approaches to climate resilience.


Power in the Cloud: The Milliman and Microsoft Partnership

Milliman’s groundbreaking financial modeling and reporting solution, Integrate, is powered by Microsoft Azure. See how the two companies are working together to advance technology and drive innovation in insurance.


Big data. Small firm. Huge ambition.

When tech start-up HIPPO decided to launch a data-driven, consumer-friendly property insurance offering, they looked to Milliman for guidance and expertise. Watch the story behind the development of Hippo’s revolutionary new product.

See the latest thinking
See the latest thinking

Success by the numbers: Milliman financial reporting

Evolving regulatory and financial reporting standards are challenging to interpret and implement. Milliman provides end-to-end support Solvency II, IFRS, and US GAAP, as well as the implementation of economic capital (EC) models. With decades of experience, we have the historical understanding, agency relationships, and tools and expertise to streamline and improve compliance.

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Welcome to Integrate

Integrate represents a genuine paradigm shift in actuarial software, technology, and solutions. With the stakes as high as they are—from competitive pressures and increased regulatory complexity to the pace of change and threat of disruption—revolution is the clear way forward.

Read the most recent insurance thought leadership.


Milliman insurance products

Solvency II reporting and compliance
Solvency II reporting and compliance
Solvency II reporting & compliance


Streamline Solvency II compliance with a multi-user, multi-site tool for Standard Formula SCR and quantitative reporting templates.

Software performance enhancement
Software performance enhancement
Financial Modeling Platform with Excel language

Milliman MIND

Milliman Mind is a flexible and easy-to-use web-based platform which automatically converts Excel spreadsheets into more powerful models.

Financial modeling and industrialization
Financial modeling and industrialization
Financial modeling & industrialization


Automate and accelerate actuarial modeling and reporting with a powerful, cloud-based solution.

Reserving and IBNP reserve estimation
Reserving and IBNP reserve estimation


Analyze unpaid claims liabilities with industry-leading stochastic and deterministic reserving tools and methods.

Premium comparison platform
Premium comparison platform
Premium comparison platform


Identify new market sectors, pinpoint adverse selection, and make better pricing decisions with a web-based premium comparison tool.

Reserve and liability modeling
Reserve and liability modeling
Reserve and liability modeling


Dramatically reduce the time required for life insurance reserves and liabilities calculations with innovative modeling.

Solvency II compliance
Solvency II compliance
Solvency II compliance

Milliman STAR Solutions

Comply with Solvency II regulations using a suite of specialized analytics, modeling, and reporting tools.

Insurance risk assessment
Insurance risk assessment
Insurance risk assessment


IntelliScript combines industry-leading data and analysis to provide insurers the knowledge, tools, and insight to confidently assess risk.

Predictive analytics
Predictive analytics
Predictive analytics


Visually explore industry experience against your own and make intelligent decisions based on drivers of policyholder behavior.


Milliman insurance services

Modelado de activos/pasivos e inversiones impulsadas por la responsabilidad

Cuantifique el impacto financiero de los planes de pensiones con un análisis diseñado para satisfacer sus circunstancias, características de responsabilidad y objetivos.

Consultoría en aseguradoras cautivas

Mejore su aseguradora cautiva con alternativas de retención de riesgos, fijación de precios y financiación, modelado financiero y administración de siniestros.

Consultoría en siniestros

Reduzca los costos de pérdidas y los costos de gastos de gestión de siniestros, obtenga asistencia para litigios y mejore las operaciones de los siniestros.


Beneficios a partir de nuestra experiencia en la gama completa de tipos de seguros distintos del de vida, como seguros de vivienda, de acreedores, de accidentes y de vehículos motorizados.

Modelado de exposición a catástrofes

Evalúe la interacción de las exposiciones a catástrofes naturales entre divisiones internas y en todo el ámbito de su empresa con modelado avanzado.

Reserva para catástrofes y verificación de reservas para pérdidas

Comprenda el impacto de un gran evento en su cartera, incluido el análisis de excepciones para pérdidas previstas en contratos.

Gestión de capital

Evalúe los requisitos de capital en una amplia gama de marcos y obtenga asesoramiento estratégico eficaz sobre cómo administrar el capital.

Modelado de capitales económicos

Utilice el capital de forma más eficaz para protegerse contra los riesgos financieros y cumplir con los crecientes requisitos en materia de calificación y normativa.

Valor intrínseco

Obtenga cálculos transparentes y exactos del valor intrínseco, como el valor intrínseco europeo y el valor intrínseco coherente con el mercado.

We’re here to help

Ask the tough questions. We’re ready for them.

We’re here to help

Ask the tough questions. We’re ready for them.

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